Wednesday, March 24, 2010

'' No matter what you may think ...... there will at times seem to be people against you whether you are right or wrong still you can voice your opinion ...... when you are aware of this it could help to control your emotions and your understanding of human nature , be as it is ''.

'' If you are sitting back and feeling content with your life , don't get too comfortable , Destiny will find you ''.

Think about this .....
'' it could be possible that most of today's problems world wide could be resolved if we were to study their outcome for the future .....
but I feel power and greed will stand in the way ,
how stupid we can be ''.

Want some irony .........
'' I am so happy , today I think for the first time I have seen a profit ...........
oh , you are so fortunate I wish I could see a prophet , it would make all the difference ''.

'' As Human Beings we tend to fear fear , but , as Human Beings it is one of our survival needs to know fear , therefore , we should try to use it as such ....... not easy to put into pratice when the time arises ''.

'' When someone is trying to move the blame over to you just for them to save ' face ' it is best for you to close your ears and not to give it any thought for it is the thought in the mind playing over and over that will bring you down ''.

'' It is better to chase after your dreams
than to live in their shadows ''.