Saturday, August 28, 2010

'' I will see you at 5 o'clock ...
but if I don't I will meet up with you in heaven ...
that's if I can get past Peter. ''

'' If you want peace in your mind prepare for a mental shift. ''

'' The one who proclaims each day that
'life is good'
is the one who is prepared to live as a fool
and forgets
memories can cast very long shadows .''

'' The mind is the tempest of delusion. ''

                                 '' Evil comes in many disguises. ''

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Think about this ...
Take into consideration that everything we thought that was not possible is now possible or will be in the future... take nothing for granted ... nor another man's word ... we are of 'freewill' ... the future is in your hands.

'' A broken mind
can never reflect
again. ''

'' I woke up today ... tomorrow might be the problem. ''

'' Life can be like an Irish Coffee, dark on the inside creamy on the outside ...
put them together
and it's pulling you in several directions. ''

'' It takes more of an effort in concentration to tell a lie then it does to tell the truth. ''

                       '' Art is what outlives a life. ''

Thursday, August 12, 2010


