''I do not want to be one of those people who talk about or write about ''my cancer'' but just humor me on this thought ...
I now truly believe that the ego and the unconscious mind walk hand-in-hand ... picture this ... you, [I] receive a great deal of attention from doctors who's main aim is to cure you as a patient, but they still have to be in detachment, and by then your illness is programed into your identity which becomes ..
''this is me now'' .. which is the ego ... or from other people, which in turn will constantly confirm in your thoughts to identify you as a 'sufferer', and that's the attachment, you then consciously and with the help of the ego hold onto the 'illness' both physically and mentally because right now it has got your attention as to who you think and feel yourself to be. Without any warning the 'illness' and the thoughts become the most important part of you, your mind and your ego and therefore you have given the ego a new thought to which it can and will identify itself with and it don't-want to let go, because now the ego is getting what it wants, attention and as for the unconscious thought, it will rise into the very active consciousness where the ego now is in control of it's new identity.
''this is me now'' .. which is the ego ... or from other people, which in turn will constantly confirm in your thoughts to identify you as a 'sufferer', and that's the attachment, you then consciously and with the help of the ego hold onto the 'illness' both physically and mentally because right now it has got your attention as to who you think and feel yourself to be. Without any warning the 'illness' and the thoughts become the most important part of you, your mind and your ego and therefore you have given the ego a new thought to which it can and will identify itself with and it don't-want to let go, because now the ego is getting what it wants, attention and as for the unconscious thought, it will rise into the very active consciousness where the ego now is in control of it's new identity.
It has been said that the ego will create illnesses just to strengthen it's identity and just to have more of what it wants, attention-control. So if I feel this way about it how come I let this happen. Well the unconscious mind brought 'alive' the thought that moved into the conscious mind for the ego to keep the whole thing 'alive' and that's why I say the ego and the unconscious mind are just waiting for the opportunity to walk hand-in-hand.
I am not making out cancer to be just like a cold symptom or to be taken lightly for we are all born with cancer cells in our body but what I feel might work for me is to approach it from the ego and therefore I think that if I try to generate 'good thoughts' about it, then and only then the ego will lose interest and let go, and as for the cancer itself .. well that's where the doctor comes into the play, as in my case, to cut it out or I can let nature take it's course .. freewill.
No matter how you perceive what your body looks like on the outside is irrelevant, because within, and I include the mind here there is an energy that is intensely alive that is the playground for the ego and the unconscious mind and having said that I believe both the cancer and the ego are very 'stupid'. For them to be 'alive' they both need a host to 'feed' on, and ... that's me, [you]. Now both have the capability on their own terms to kill off the host ... that's me, [you] ... but that's only if they get the better of me and take total control but I too can play this game, because I feel I have the advantage of being in the awareness [consciousness] of the game and the rules [Life]
Me, as in my awareness in trying to keep it all in the present time I would feel can only help to change the game rules and therefore creating another thought form where by the ego has no more attention and then the cancer itself cannot grow which in turn strengthens the mind, body and the immune system on the physical side and on the energy side creates a new shift.
Me, as in my awareness in trying to keep it all in the present time I would feel can only help to change the game rules and therefore creating another thought form where by the ego has no more attention and then the cancer itself cannot grow which in turn strengthens the mind, body and the immune system on the physical side and on the energy side creates a new shift.
So how do I try to keep it all together ... by trying not to give it any thought [detachment] and by not feeding into others ego [attachment] .. easy said but not so easy to do, because there are days and there will be days, and I have had them, when your own awareness will come down and then the ego slips in to regain it's identity. Now two things can happen here, you can sit with the ego and let all the negative thoughts take over or you can move yourself into the awareness [consciousness] of what's happening and put positive thoughts into play, both of these actions take a lot of energy on your part to play out their part because both feel they have the right to you [I] ... and they do, but it comes down as to how you [I] see yourself in the new shift in your life.
So how do I try to keep it all together ... by staying in the present moment with myself through peace and anger and to look at this 'cancer' as a new shift into my energy and my creativity and
maybe I too can transform.
I .. you .. choose to be positive because all of us has and had misfortunes just as everyone has and had happiness. Life as it is,
is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice ... freewill
and there is nothing to search for that what is called Nirvana,
because birth and death are nirvana and in between ... living out old and making new Karma and if this was realised all worry about being 'perfect' will go and the mind is set free ...
but there is Karma that has yet to set itself free.''
Keep a look-out on my blog http://www.deedaf.blogspot.com for my life size sculpture in clay, titled .. 'I wish I was Transformer'
So how do I try to keep it all together ... by staying in the present moment with myself through peace and anger and to look at this 'cancer' as a new shift into my energy and my creativity and
maybe I too can transform.
I .. you .. choose to be positive because all of us has and had misfortunes just as everyone has and had happiness. Life as it is,
is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice ... freewill
and there is nothing to search for that what is called Nirvana,
because birth and death are nirvana and in between ... living out old and making new Karma and if this was realised all worry about being 'perfect' will go and the mind is set free ...
but there is Karma that has yet to set itself free.''
Keep a look-out on my blog http://www.deedaf.blogspot.com for my life size sculpture in clay, titled .. 'I wish I was Transformer'