Saturday, December 31, 2011

''Today is the first day of my life and it very well could be the last day of my life ... 
but it is a 'groundhog' day.'' 

Friday, December 30, 2011

''It's stupidity at it's best and madness at it's worst
to try to save one lost sheep and leave the whole
flock vulnerable.''

Thursday, December 29, 2011

''Somehow I feel as human beings we are breaking all the moral principles as being human beings.''

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Just a thought:
If helping others gives a meaning to your life
then you depend on others to be worse off
than yourself so that your life can be meaningful
to you, you then have a purpose to your life as others have a purpose too ... 
the ego being human that can only boost your ego,
but if you are coming from an
'inner purpose' you are then coming from
awareness where the ego cannot survive and this applies to all we do in life.''

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Speaking as an artist;
''In the process of creativity be it in mind
or action you will discover yourself
for creativity allows the soul to
connect to your humanness.''

Monday, December 26, 2011

''Pay no attention to the one who wants to control your life, they are the ones who are insecure in their own life.''

Sunday, December 25, 2011

''I have being preparing for this day
or any given day and I am still not prepared but life begins at the end of your ...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

''Watch out for the fools,
they are everywhere on the road .. 
including yourself.''

Friday, December 23, 2011

''Emotion and Reason, it's a delicate balance if you were to lose either one or both
 there's no telling what's going to happen.''

Thursday, December 22, 2011

''Drop your ego and your relationships will become more meaningful and loving.''

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

''The one who can play the fool in front
of the King is the wise one.''

Monday, December 19, 2011

''Life is what you choose to make it,
but it is also what makes you.''

Sunday, December 18, 2011

''To die in knowing yourself is to die in bliss
and to die in ignorance is to die in fear
but there is a greater loss and that is,
what dies inside of you when
you are still alive.''

Friday, December 16, 2011

''Without silence there could be no sound.''

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

''Anger acting-out is like as if it's on a Ferris Wheel pissing against the wind, it all comes back on you sooner than later.''

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Just a thought ..

''A man's belief is not for another man to judge for all men have freewill to choose and besides, some things are worth believing in whether they are true or false, it can be very easy to believe than to have doubt that can turn into pain but it's also a matter of a self-worth and comfort in life for most to have their belief and so in my ability as a human being and as a free-thinker that in accepting others as having a freewill for their belief's is moral sensibility and if those in their belief do like-wise then we can call ourselves brothers.'' 

Monday, December 12, 2011

''It don't matter what yellow-brick-road you 
skip-along through out life so long as it's yours
for every turn brings a new moment
a new opportunity that is precious only to you ...
the child in side you which is always there
knows this better than you which is
not always there.''

Sunday, December 11, 2011

''The person who feels they can find the answers outside of themselves is looking
in the wrong place because,
if you go into the depths of your heart, 
listen to your intuition and not
the 'voice' [ego] in your head you can 
and in time find yourself.''

Saturday, December 10, 2011

''The one thing about egoists is that they want to take control of the conversation and won't talk about anybody else because nobody else can get to say anything for them to listen to repeat it later word for word .. but it's still gossip.''

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Just A Thought;
''I was born and have lived the most of my life on a small island in the West called Ireland and there it rained quite abit that locally we called it 'a soft day' because the rain fell like drizzle. Now I live on a bigger island in the East called Borneo and here we have the monsoon season and when the rain falls I can call it 'a hard day' because it rains heavy .. but there are two things I have learned today from both of these experience's. The first is, I will always be an Island Man and the second one is that every drop of rain that falls and irrelevant of where I am,
is in it's right place.''

Monday, December 5, 2011

''We all need Ego, in a way it helps to motivate us to achieve and survive but 'All Ego' in a man of power or the 'Collective Ego' of a group or country could be the death of us all, it is in this awareness we can be better human beings.'' 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

''Human beings have destroyed each other through-out history in war, genocide and religious persecution and killing on personal emotions and are more capable of doing so now and in the future than natural disasters that nature will throw at us.''

Saturday, December 3, 2011

''The imagination is the matrix but also the sight into the soul in which all great
things of the spirit are born
that expresses one's own self.''

Thursday, December 1, 2011

''Yesterdays are memories that can live
on forever with us,
but it depends on what we want
to hold on to.''