Saturday, December 31, 2011

''Today is the first day of my life and it very well could be the last day of my life ... 
but it is a 'groundhog' day.'' 

Friday, December 30, 2011

''It's stupidity at it's best and madness at it's worst
to try to save one lost sheep and leave the whole
flock vulnerable.''

Thursday, December 29, 2011

''Somehow I feel as human beings we are breaking all the moral principles as being human beings.''

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Just a thought:
If helping others gives a meaning to your life
then you depend on others to be worse off
than yourself so that your life can be meaningful
to you, you then have a purpose to your life as others have a purpose too ... 
the ego being human that can only boost your ego,
but if you are coming from an
'inner purpose' you are then coming from
awareness where the ego cannot survive and this applies to all we do in life.''

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Speaking as an artist;
''In the process of creativity be it in mind
or action you will discover yourself
for creativity allows the soul to
connect to your humanness.''

Monday, December 26, 2011

''Pay no attention to the one who wants to control your life, they are the ones who are insecure in their own life.''

Sunday, December 25, 2011

''I have being preparing for this day
or any given day and I am still not prepared but life begins at the end of your ...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

''Watch out for the fools,
they are everywhere on the road .. 
including yourself.''

Friday, December 23, 2011

''Emotion and Reason, it's a delicate balance if you were to lose either one or both
 there's no telling what's going to happen.''

Thursday, December 22, 2011

''Drop your ego and your relationships will become more meaningful and loving.''

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

''The one who can play the fool in front
of the King is the wise one.''

Monday, December 19, 2011

''Life is what you choose to make it,
but it is also what makes you.''

Sunday, December 18, 2011

''To die in knowing yourself is to die in bliss
and to die in ignorance is to die in fear
but there is a greater loss and that is,
what dies inside of you when
you are still alive.''

Friday, December 16, 2011

''Without silence there could be no sound.''

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

''Anger acting-out is like as if it's on a Ferris Wheel pissing against the wind, it all comes back on you sooner than later.''

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Just a thought ..

''A man's belief is not for another man to judge for all men have freewill to choose and besides, some things are worth believing in whether they are true or false, it can be very easy to believe than to have doubt that can turn into pain but it's also a matter of a self-worth and comfort in life for most to have their belief and so in my ability as a human being and as a free-thinker that in accepting others as having a freewill for their belief's is moral sensibility and if those in their belief do like-wise then we can call ourselves brothers.'' 

Monday, December 12, 2011

''It don't matter what yellow-brick-road you 
skip-along through out life so long as it's yours
for every turn brings a new moment
a new opportunity that is precious only to you ...
the child in side you which is always there
knows this better than you which is
not always there.''

Sunday, December 11, 2011

''The person who feels they can find the answers outside of themselves is looking
in the wrong place because,
if you go into the depths of your heart, 
listen to your intuition and not
the 'voice' [ego] in your head you can 
and in time find yourself.''

Saturday, December 10, 2011

''The one thing about egoists is that they want to take control of the conversation and won't talk about anybody else because nobody else can get to say anything for them to listen to repeat it later word for word .. but it's still gossip.''

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Just A Thought;
''I was born and have lived the most of my life on a small island in the West called Ireland and there it rained quite abit that locally we called it 'a soft day' because the rain fell like drizzle. Now I live on a bigger island in the East called Borneo and here we have the monsoon season and when the rain falls I can call it 'a hard day' because it rains heavy .. but there are two things I have learned today from both of these experience's. The first is, I will always be an Island Man and the second one is that every drop of rain that falls and irrelevant of where I am,
is in it's right place.''

Monday, December 5, 2011

''We all need Ego, in a way it helps to motivate us to achieve and survive but 'All Ego' in a man of power or the 'Collective Ego' of a group or country could be the death of us all, it is in this awareness we can be better human beings.'' 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

''Human beings have destroyed each other through-out history in war, genocide and religious persecution and killing on personal emotions and are more capable of doing so now and in the future than natural disasters that nature will throw at us.''

Saturday, December 3, 2011

''The imagination is the matrix but also the sight into the soul in which all great
things of the spirit are born
that expresses one's own self.''

Thursday, December 1, 2011

''Yesterdays are memories that can live
on forever with us,
but it depends on what we want
to hold on to.'' 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Speaking as the artist;
''When I can bring the subconscious and the visual into a near and equal balance then I am in a suspension of disbelief as to how far my creativity can bring me into the vortex of my own mind.''

Sunday, November 27, 2011

      PaRaDoX ... 
is that sculpture looking at me?.''

Saturday, November 26, 2011

''Behind every act of kindness
there is always some kind of motive,
be it spiritual or otherwise.''

Friday, November 25, 2011

''In growing old it is said you become wiser and that maybe true for some but others die before they 'wise up' in how to put it to use.''

Thursday, November 24, 2011

''Nothing lasts but death and death endures all ... it is the equalizer to all things living.''

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

''A time when you can call yourself rich is when you are able to pay off your bills.''

Monday, November 21, 2011

''Mistakes can only be the result of ignorance
but from mistakes we can learn ... but,
 ignorance breeds uncertainty and fear
into people that they can keep repeating
the same mistakes throughout history
and that in itself can show how deep rooted ignorance can get into people ... and,
 as human beings we tend to admire
what we don't understand ...
which can also stem from fear of any kind, 
the way of ignorance.''

Saturday, November 19, 2011

''Self expression is the mirror of the
inner spirit and is another name I can call 
'creativity's play in reality'.''

Friday, November 18, 2011

''Memories are kept alive by thought
and thought is kept alive by memories
and you can in time remember everything
but it can be at the 'wrong time' ..
that the more time you give to your memories
 the less time you give to the present.'' 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

 'Go live your life you are free to do that' ...
''That's bullshit, you are free only if you believe you are free and feeling free is in the knowing you are not listening to your ego ..
that little voice in your head that cries out for attention ...
you are free you are free ....
No ... I am free when I live in the present time .... Now...
OK, if you think something like this than maybe you have a chance ... as for me I am all over the place that's why I write this stuff.''

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

''Loss is inevitable ...
everything, as you know it, from keys to aging to money to relationships to inheritance to war to dogma to life ... but a greater personal loss can be going through life in knowing and then eventually admitting to yourself that you have been fucked.''

Monday, November 14, 2011

''Cruelty and fear in the name of a religious belief is motivated by the need for power, which in turn is control which motivates the 
madness in the name of religious and ideological beliefs in mass exterminations and genocide for a god or gods that we may have created in our own minds.''

Sunday, November 13, 2011

''Each time that you wake up from sleep or the start of a new day you have the chance to make a new start if you knew what it is that is wrong .. and there is always something wrong as we keep reminding ourselves.''

Saturday, November 12, 2011

''To go through life in the fast lane and trying to pay attention to the small details is like passing an elephant through the
eye of a needle.'' 

Friday, November 11, 2011

''The greatest loss of all is not just that of life, but of the 'innocence' of the living ...
that is, in believing what is said by those who ego's do the talking.''

Thursday, November 10, 2011

''To love is to recognize yourself in another human being ...
 if you refuse to acknowledge it for
fear of hurt or disappointment
then you as a human being will be empty
and you are at the greater loss.''

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Think about this;
     ''Dictator or king, religious or freethinker, rich or poor, adult or child. Every human being that is born into this energy will at some time of their lives experience suffering of some kind, be it mental or physical, self imposed or imposed by others.
     Suffering has a purpose ... human beings would not evolve as human beings in regarding the ego, for the majority of suffering, but not all, is caused by the ego, but here is the paradox ... suffering is brought on by the identification with form, attachment, but suffering can also erode the identification with form, detachment.
     When you accept suffering consciously, awareness, then and only then there can be an acceleration of the process of suffering and therefore the ego will let go and then you can transcend it.
     Suffer consciously and the ego lets go, detachment, suffer unconsciously and the ego creates more suffering, attachment.''

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Just a thought;
''Analyzing yourself through the process of thought is a cover-up to who you truly are because thought is limiting yourself to your true potential that is, you are listening to your ego.''

Sunday, November 6, 2011

''For me the making of my Art is my true reason for being and been and after that
I am just here for the ride ..
but it is bumpy.''

Saturday, November 5, 2011

''Don't you think there should be lots more 'happy people' in the world if ignorance is bliss.''

Friday, October 28, 2011

Just a thought;
''I do not want to be one of those people who talk about or write about ''my cancer'' but just humor me on this thought ...
      I now truly believe that the ego and the unconscious mind walk hand-in-hand ... picture this ... you, [I] receive a great deal of attention from doctors who's main aim is to cure you as a patient, but they still have to be in detachment, and by then your illness is programed into your identity which becomes .. 
''this is me now'' .. which is the ego ... or from other people, which in turn will constantly confirm in your thoughts to identify you as a 'sufferer', and that's the attachment,  you then consciously and with the help of the ego hold onto the 'illness' both physically and mentally because right now it has got your attention as to who you think and feel yourself to be.  Without any warning the 'illness' and the thoughts become the most important part of you, your mind and your ego and therefore you have given the ego a new thought to which it can and will identify itself with and it don't-want to let go, because now the ego is getting what it wants, attention and as for the unconscious thought, it will rise into the very active consciousness where the ego now is in control of it's new identity.
     It has been said that the ego will create illnesses just to strengthen it's identity and just to have more of what it wants, attention-controlSo if I feel this way about it how come I let this happen. Well the unconscious mind brought 'alive' the thought that moved into the conscious mind for the ego to keep the whole thing 'alive' and that's why I say the ego and the unconscious mind are just waiting for the opportunity to walk hand-in-hand.
      I am not making out cancer to be just like a cold symptom or to be taken lightly for we are all born with cancer cells in our body but what I feel might work for me is to approach it from the ego and therefore I think that if I try to generate 'good thoughts' about it, then and only then the ego will lose interest and let go, and as for the cancer itself .. well that's where the doctor comes into the play, as in my case, to cut it out or I can let nature take it's course .. freewill
      No matter how you perceive what your body looks like on the outside is irrelevant, because within, and I include the mind here there is an energy that is intensely alive that is the playground for the ego and the unconscious mind and having said that I believe both the cancer and the ego are very 'stupid'. For them to be 'alive' they both need a host to 'feed' on, and ... that's me, [you].  Now both have the capability on their own terms to kill off the host ... that's me, [you] ... but that's only if they get the better of me and take total control but I too can play this game, because I feel I have the advantage of being in the awareness [consciousness] of the game and the rules [Life] 
Me, as in my awareness in trying to keep it all in the present time I would feel can only help to change the game rules and therefore creating another thought form where by the ego has no more attention and then the cancer itself cannot grow which in turn strengthens the mind, body and the immune system on the physical side and on the energy side creates a new shift.
      So how do I try to keep it all together ... by trying not to give it any thought [detachment] and by not feeding into others ego [attachment] .. easy said but not so easy to do, because there are days and there will be days, and I have had them, when your own awareness will come down and then the ego slips in to regain it's identity.  Now two things can happen here, you can sit with the ego and let all the negative thoughts take over or you can move yourself into the awareness [consciousness] of what's happening and put positive thoughts into play, both of these actions take a lot of energy on your part to play out their part because both feel they have the right to you [I] ... and they do, but it comes down as to how you [I] see yourself in the new shift in your life.
So how do I try to keep it all together ... by staying in the present moment with myself through peace and anger and to look at this 'cancer' as a new shift into my energy and my creativity and
maybe I too can transform.
I .. you .. choose to be positive because all of us has and had misfortunes just as everyone has and had happiness. Life as it is,
is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice ... freewill
and there is nothing to search for that what is called Nirvana,
because birth and death are nirvana and in between ... living out old and making new Karma and if this was realised all worry about being 'perfect' will go and the mind is set free ...
but there is Karma that has yet to set itself free.''


Keep a look-out on my blog  for my life size sculpture in clay, titled ..  'I wish I was Transformer'

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

''As human beings our mind is highly intelligent beyond what we truly understand and yet that very same intelligence is home to madness ...
Think about wars and abuse to fellow human beings as in torture, slavery
and just being pure evil.'' 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

''Who ever you are and who ever you are with, wherever you go and whatever you do in life you will encounter pain, grief, suffering and happiness it will all come into play some time sooner or later, you cannot run from it because it's inherent in the human condition.'' 

Monday, October 24, 2011

''If we leave things as they are, I feel man is doing a very fine job in destroying himself and the planet for future generations to clean up.''

Saturday, October 22, 2011

''Take life with a pinch of salt ...
 but you will need lot's of spice as well.''

Friday, October 21, 2011

''Do not take to heart what other people say, do or impose on you, at first it will affect you but let it pass through you and let them bleed in their own ignorance because their ignorance is also their pain.''

Thursday, October 20, 2011

''I pay-as-I-go but I did not expect to be going all the way now ...
{said in expectation of the bills I will be paying out to cure my cancer ... see my quotes on 'money'}.''

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

''When you take something on outside of creativity you try to bring it to a logical conclusion ... 
but if you are in 'creative mood'
logic has no place,
for creativity is a paradox.''

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

''Marriage is one easy contract to enter into, 
 please sign on the dotted line,
and one minefield to get out of, 
please sign on All pages marked X.''

Monday, October 17, 2011

''The man who travels the road on his own is the man who can live with himself.''

Sunday, October 16, 2011

''Those who do not believe in magic will never find. The magic I talk about is the awareness we can reach in our lifetime,
we can come from low to the high,
now that's real magic.'' 

Friday, October 14, 2011

''The world is as it is ...
I am just passing through
but the imprint I leave behind
helps to make the world as it is.''

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just a thought ...
       ''Up until now I have written quite a few quotes on Freewill and now would like to add my own thoughts on it.
Freewill put into action determines our life and character. It came with us when we were born into this energy in order for us to, put it simply live out our life, but I also think it's all about Destiny with a capital 'D'. As human beings we are given the choice by nature to use what we call the 'freewill', the animal kingdom is already doing so. If we feel we are using our 'freewill', even by 50% then we are full-filling our Destiny and it leaves us believing we are in control of our own destiny and I feel that is o.k. for it allows Destiny to play a greater part in our life as it opens the way for more opportunities to happen ... so Destiny and Freewill go hand in hand, but say we do not use our freewill, then I think Destiny will feel we are content in our ways and leave us to ourselves, stuck in time and in our mind and if this happens then we might miss that 'golden opportunity'. There is the point too that we could also become ill in our body or mind or both ... it's a 'Catch 22' situation but remember this, that in using your freewill you take sole responsibility for your actions. There is no point on bended knees in asking an unseen 'god' to intervene on your behalf , for your 'god' could very well tell you on that 'last day' .. but I gave you freewill .. You cannot pass blame on to remove a guilt ... if you feel you want to blame something or someone else or a 'god' for your actions of the outcome, you are wasting your time for you yourself most take full credit as if things are the way that you feel they should be and then maybe Destiny will 'run' with you in the knowing that you are not afraid to take a chance in your life ... Freewill.'' 

Just on an after thought .... 
''You have 'freedom' in your thoughts which can be brought into reality through the use of the freewill and this action, good or bad brought into reality can be irreversible but remember this, it is impossible to exercise freewill 100% as long as we are operating from within the system of a structured society, so in order for freewill to act 100% we must step outside of the structured system to find our selves and to make the right choices that reflect what we truly feel and believe is right for us, at least it is better than what we have been taught to feel and believe as being right for us .. these are the freewill actions of others which were right for them in their time and then we will be living out their 'actions' which is not our choice. We should be looking at the world through our own eyes and feelings and not through the feelings and experiences of others. It should be said that if a human beings have the freedom to do good they also have the freedom to do bad and freewill put into use is what has made evil things possible and also good things and I will say this again ... Freewill, though it makes evil possible is also the only thing that makes possible the experience of love or goodness or joy worth having in our life. We have the freewill to use in our life time the freedom to decide through the reasoning mind to be saint or sinner.
I chose to be an Artist which I would like to think is both a saint and a sinner.'' 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

''Look on life as a stage play and you are the lead actor,
as events crop up in your life you may change your 'character' to suit the situation or you can sit with it, this is Freewill in action ... in life and death we have our 'lead role' to play-out but do you want to write your own script or play-out someone else's interpretation of what life should be ...
it's all about Freewill and in knowing
 your Freewill is the motivation for you to be the
 'lead actor'.''

Sunday, October 9, 2011

''In being original means you go beyond the
accepted norms.''

Friday, October 7, 2011

''Sculpture, besides it's overall context as to what it is and the making process is a way of life for me that's more devotional than a religious belief.''

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

''It's when you start to be really afraid of dying that you appreaciate life.''

Sunday, October 2, 2011

''You are not in this world to live up
to other peoples expectations ...
life is not about kissing ass.''

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Just a thought ...{from the other side of the ego}
''The ego recognizes that we are all subject to self-deception and to a variety of wish-fulling illusions that can pop into the mind at anytime and therefore will use the thought to control the emotions and strengthen the illusion which in turn can take over the mind .... [ I give up ].''

Friday, September 30, 2011

''Is life not what you expected it to be? ...
then you are not the author
 but let today be the day you start to write
your life story from your experience.''

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

''When you die you will come out the other end completely different as when you came in from the other end.''

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

''There comes a time and it's in realising you don't need certain people in your life and the bullshit that they bring because it has taken you a long time to become the person you want to be ...
don't give your power away.''

Monday, September 26, 2011

''Like a drip that is slow to drop I move into acceptance day by day for it is what my intuition knows already and for me to open to it that I will realise my potential in being the artist.''

Sunday, September 25, 2011

''Creativity is really the 'inner child' in us
being curious about all aspects of life
in all it's forms ... 
a time when work and play can merge
and where you can overcome all your fears
in the flow.''

Saturday, September 24, 2011

''If you only knew how rarely people think of you then you would not waste your time in fretting about what other people think of you.''

Friday, September 23, 2011

''A true friend is someone who asks for nothing from you but your friendship and can be your key to sanity in a very insane world but the friend who is the opportunist is the one who can destroy you for life in any kind of world.''

Thursday, September 22, 2011

''Each day can bring the chance for you to claim back more of yourself, for we are born not knowing our true self worth.''

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

''I will tell you the big secret in 
'How to finish what you started' ...
start no other project.''

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

''Remember to breath ...
it's not the end.''

Monday, September 19, 2011

''Creativity is a head-on-full-blast living as your potential of being human at play.''

Saturday, September 17, 2011

''If you want to know bullshit, you are already
knee-deep in it ... just call it fertilizer.''

Friday, September 16, 2011

''You might not see it coming but you will feel it,
a kick in the butt just might be the best thing for you right now.''

Thursday, September 15, 2011

''A pessimist will always find
themselves alone ...
WE are going to make it through
this life, even if it kills us.''

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

''Disturbing is good ...
it's where the truth can be found.''

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

''There are too many hurts in life and 'love' can be the cause of more than half of all but one way or another everything is connected to 'love' ... it's a matter of learning to live with your emotions.''

Monday, September 12, 2011

''Everyday is more exciting with a twist but don't twist it out of reality that you lose contact with yourself.''

Sunday, September 11, 2011

''Everyone should have their freedom to do what is right for themselves as human beings in that way both they and society can only benefit.''

Saturday, September 10, 2011

''The more things will change is when people stop getting offended by others ...
I told my therapist about you.''

Friday, September 9, 2011

''A closed mouth tells no lies and an open
mouth talks bullshit ....
half of the problems in this world is because
of people talking shit.''

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

''No excuses ...
let others know where you stand and you will be the better person for it.
Take time to focus on your own causes.
It will not have any meaning or worth to
 yourself or others if you always look for outside approval or acceptance ...
it's about believing in yourself and going
after your dreams and then you have something to stand for.''

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Speaking as an artist;
''The creative person and not all, instead of being an individual is a multitude of personalities while in the process of being creative and when not can be out of 'tune' with everything else around him what most people take as normal or for granted ...
Having said that it's the creative person who will push the boundaries of the mind in order for most people to 'see' a different world or the world as it really is for the visual can have a bigger and instant impact on the senses than the written word where as the readers mind of the written word has to conjure up some image, be it known or unknown to them at that time in their mind when reading to help the word move the senses into play.''

Monday, September 5, 2011

''People that have artistic interests, it is said are also the ones that are most prone to depression, guilt, anxiety, stress, insatiability and loneliness ....
well that just about sums-me up .. I now can call myself a fully fledged artist.''

Saturday, September 3, 2011

''Freedom of speech is every human beings birth-right and one voice can make all the difference to the people who are in
sufferance of body and mind ... 
just remember that words cannot be
banned forever or imprisoned.''

Friday, September 2, 2011

''I don't know my true potential that is why I keep trying to my best in all things.''

Thursday, September 1, 2011

''Accept change and let your ego go ….
You do this and the world, within your world,
will change.''

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

''Everything happens for a reason, nothing happens by chance or by means of luck, if it did, life would be like a smoothly paved straight and flat road that's going nowhere.''

Monday, August 29, 2011

''We have the capability as in the imagination to see beyond our daily existence and to look into the 'worlds' inside our mind and travel along the 'yellow-brick-road' ...
where we go from there is up to us, 
to bring it into reality .... 
that's creativity.''

Sunday, August 28, 2011

''The killing of a human being in any circumstances is a wrong and evil act which does not solve anything for the one who kills is looking at the root of evil where there is no turning back.''

Saturday, August 27, 2011

''Bravery and stupidity in all it's forms go
hand in hand in relationships .... 
but it feels better than being loved for what
you are not.''

Thursday, August 25, 2011

''Live your life and finish what was started ....
be a hero.''

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Speaking as the Artist:
''If there is one word that describes and makes creative people 'different' from other human beings it is the word ... complexity .. well, maybe two words ... paradox.''

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

''The worst thing you can do to yourself is to believe in ideologies without evidence.'' 

Ideologies; system that derives ideas exclusively from sensation.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Think about this:
''What you might call 'the bad experience', be sure there is a message in it for you, these are probably the most poignant and important ones in your life. If you chose to ignore it then you are not listening to what life has to offer to you, are you ... but that's how you find out who you really are ... by making the decisions that alter your life and this is not the easy part, being strong enough to let go and stand by them  ... nothing happens in life without taking a 'risk' and if you don't take it it is possible you 'risk' even more
'bad experience' ....
You have right now only one life
and only one chance to live it ..
go for it.''

Friday, August 19, 2011

''Everyone needs some kind of 'goal' in life, it helps to keep focused and forward seems good enough to me.''

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

''You have a choice therefore you can have change it's in your grasp which was given to you when you were born into this energy ... you play it safe and you will never know your true destiny.''

Monday, August 15, 2011

''You are HERE  +  in the NOW.''

Sunday, August 14, 2011

''It is said that money doesn't bring happiness, {well it can help you to be miserable in comfort} or that you can't buy everything, {well it does and you can}... this is said by the rich, the churches and governments to fool the poor but when you are poor or old money is everything and is god.''

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Question ;  
'' What does it mean to be a 'good  person' ...
   What does it mean to be me ...
   What does it mean to be a 'bad person' ...
   What does it mean when you dream about sex ...             
   What does it mean to be human ...
   What does it mean when your eye twitches ...
   What does it mean when I fart ...
   What does it mean when you are fooled ...
   What does it mean I am going to die ...
   What does it all mean ...
   What does 'it' mean ...''

  ''WHAT ....''

Friday, August 12, 2011

''You want to know what it is to 'feel' human,  then know your emotions ... 
they are the 'better-part' of you in being human.''

Monday, August 8, 2011

''Emotion and Reason .. it's a delicate balance, lose it, and there's no telling what's going to happen.''

Saturday, August 6, 2011

 Speaking as an Artist;
''In trying to balance one's life between the cultivation of creativity and that obligatory pursuit of survival, it is no wonder that some artists find themselves perpetually struggling to balance their lives with some sort of tangible sense of stability in their mind.''

Thursday, August 4, 2011

''You can only die once in your lifetime and not remember the experience but you can live many times in that lifetime and remember.''

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

''Right now all you have is this very minute moment in what can be called 'the simplicity of life' and in the very next moment your life will still be unfolding .. but it may not be so simple.''

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

''You can spit all you like
but you are not going to hit anything
unless you spit against the wind.''

Monday, August 1, 2011

Just a thought;
''It is my opinion that the artist can lay claim to be the oldest profession, it can be dated back to the early cave paintings some 32,000 years ago and so great art in any period of time or in any place in the world was not produced by amateurs.''

Sunday, July 31, 2011

''Sometimes people will come into your life and you will know there are suppose to be there, for good or bad ... it happens to help us in our life's journey and also to help them.''

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Think about this;
''As human beings we can get into a 'comfort zone' with ourselves and accept beliefs without question because we 'feel' they are right or are told so, but those who follow their freewill will go where no one has gone before.''

Friday, July 29, 2011

''My life is just the ART for ART imitates LIFE ...
without ART the reality of this world
we live in would be unbearable.''

Thursday, July 28, 2011

''I now believe that since there is freedom to move around Europe, that is, no border control, identification to nationality is now more important than ever before but the mind can cross any man-made borders.''

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

''Believe in yourself because if you don't it will be hard for others to believe in you but generally human beings are insecure and insincere in themselves and to others that they take on different personalities to suit the situation that at the end of the day it comes down to the only one you can trust ...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Think about this;
''Things happen and will happen to you that may seem horrible, painful and unfair at first, and then the 'why-me' cries out from within you but when you think about it later ... and you will, you will find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realised your full potential for survival, your true willpower and strength for getting through it all ... it's all part of your journey.''

Saturday, July 23, 2011

''Today is my
but it can also be my
I take nothing for granted
for no matter what comes,
it is still
as is

Saturday, July 16, 2011

''If you are jumping all over the place in your mind the chances are something creatively is coming through.''

Friday, July 15, 2011

''Like it or not, thoughts become words that become actions ... so choose the right thoughts that become the right words and the actions is your karma.''

Thursday, July 14, 2011

''If you are fortunate enough to live in a part of the world that you can put your freewill into pratice ... then you are lucky, remember nobody can take your freewill away from you except yourself ... you have choice therefore you have change.''

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

''The people you meet will affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience help to create who you become and this can all happen and you may never be aware of it.''

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

''Cut the bullshit and make every day count,
you may never be able to experience any of it again.''

Monday, July 11, 2011

''It is better to die poor
having lived a rich life
than die rich
having lived a poor life.''

Saturday, July 9, 2011

''Create your own life-plan and 
and then go out and live it with absolutely

Friday, July 8, 2011

''Explore nature,
there are surprises everywhere
and watch out for naked women on
motor bikes.''

Thursday, July 7, 2011

"Thought is the product of the Mind and Mind is creative and to look without reflecting is like eating without digesting.''

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Just a thought on death and the 'art' of dying ...
     ''Every one knows that someday they will die but yet don't want to know anything about it let alone talk about death or dying ... but just say we did know the time and circumstances I would feel most people would change and do it all different ... but what's the point, every action and thought you have is what you are, you are just going through the motions of daily living and survival, just another animal with a bigger brain and most of the time without a thought as to why we live and die, but we do not know what happens to us when we die .. I think it's safe to say that we may be longer dead than the time we had spent in living, I think that's more 'scary' than the fear of death ... but has any human being, including all the so-called 'holy one's' come back to this energy and told us what is waiting for us when we do die ... I don't think so ... so give as much thought to dying as you do to living in that way you will have a balance to your reason for being Human and nothing else but at the same time not to worry about death that all the joy in living is gone. The one thing we can be certain of, ... that death will have a smile for us all but we also can have a smile for death and that's because we will have lived in the knowing that we die .. it will just be another door that opens to you in this life .... but this is one door that opens for you automatically and with a 'push' from behind to enter, think of it as 'bungy jumping' without a life-line and on the other hand there are those who will jump before they get the 'push'.''

Monday, July 4, 2011

My quote for the 4th of July ....
''If you believe in freewill and you believe in change and you trust your intuition then you fight for it.''


Acrylic on Board
Triptych 1.22m Long x 1.22m High each
Private Collection
see my blog   'The Paint'

Sunday, July 3, 2011

''When you both realise that you are incapable of living apart but are living together then you can call that love.''

Thursday, June 30, 2011

''Never make a life time commitment on  temporary feelings .. they will pass soon.''

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

''I ask myself where have I gone wrong in life and a voice in my head said to me ... you better sit down this is going to take some time to tell you.''

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

''From what I can see, everyone seems to need some kind of' 'belief ' to feel part of something and not to be an 'outsider' otherwise they feel lost like children without their comfort toy. It is best to question than to accept it from others and if you do you might just feel alive in yourself and the better for it.''

Sunday, June 26, 2011

''Looking for a better deal in life,
then get real and be yourself ....
birds fly by flapping their wings.''

Saturday, June 25, 2011

''In order to have reconstruction in any meaning of the sense there must be a deconstruction ... 
 life's reconstruction is death's deconstruction
is life's reconstruction.''

Friday, June 24, 2011

''Man and his beliefs will be the death of him and his freewill.''

Thursday, June 23, 2011

''A rich man with all his money can live in the fear of losing it, a man with his knowledge can also live in fear of losing it but a man with Wisdom knows no fear.''

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

''If the door does not open at the first attempt it does not mean you cannot go in, you just need to have the right key.''

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

''To go on the road less traveled can only mean you live your life by your freewill but it can also be a rocky road through deep darkness and uncharted wilderness ... be prepared to be hi-jacked by the mind for the road is not the same for two people.''

Monday, June 20, 2011

''You stay with fools you become The Fool.''

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Think about this;
''Regardless of the colour of your skin, political or religious beliefs we as Human Beings have one thing we all have in common and that is our destinies are going in the same direction ...
we are all going to die,
we don't know when,
we don't know how,
we don't know where and,
we don't know the time or the place ...
so live your life as if you believe in 'MAGIC'.''

Friday, June 17, 2011

''If you follow the majority you will always be led and you yourself will never lead.''

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

''In growing old it is said that you become wiser, that maybe true for some but others die before they 'wise-up' in how to put their wisdom into practice.''

Sunday, June 12, 2011

''Art is the means
where by we can pursue our own
self-realization that can open up the world
into your world that then becomes
every body's world and helps us to realise
as human beings we are not so independent
in our thoughts, desires and fears.'' 

Friday, June 10, 2011

''Today is a good day,
I think ...
 Yesterday was a good day,
I feel ...
 And tomorrow will be a good day,
I hope.''

Thursday, June 9, 2011

''Do not let the world make you angry
or the pain make you bitter
if it's not what you thought it would be like,
be calm, it's just the way it should be.''

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

''Each day can bring the chance for you to claim back more of yourself, for we are born not knowing our true self worth.''

Monday, June 6, 2011

''Some people become a legend in their own mind, I would be happy to become a legend in my own time.''

Sunday, June 5, 2011

''When your life is over it never really began because you were too busy trying hard.''

Saturday, June 4, 2011

''One of the best reasons for being Human is to be creative in all ways possible.''

Thursday, June 2, 2011

''Don't be afraid to talk about anything that takes your interest because everyone is an expert when it comes around to their say.''

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Just a thought ...
''There is no running away from the 'fact' that
in our life time we will have to accept the consequence's
for every thought we have and every action we do, {Karma}
but don't let that stop you, life is too short, besides,
the 'fact' is the 'Lesson'.''

Friday, May 27, 2011

Think about this ...
''Buy what you cannot afford now because if you have to sell it in the future you could make a profit in your speculation from the past, these same words apply throughout everything in your life ... it's all to do with trusting in your instinct ... in that way the 'universe energy' will offer you more opportunities.''

Friday, May 20, 2011

 Think about this;
''There is enough religion in the world for men to hate and kill each other for their beliefs but there is not enough religion in the world for men to live in harmony with each other.''

Monday, May 16, 2011

''There is another part of me {and you} that is creative ...
it's called 'Freedom of Speech'.''

Sunday, May 15, 2011

''A fool can give advice to a wise man but a wise man can keep his mouth shout.''

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Think about this ....
Don't be afraid to talk about anything we are all entitled to our opinions right or wrong, but you will find that if you do not give your opinion you will never find yourself as having a contribution in life ... in other words, it's called 'Freedom of Speech'.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

                                  ''We are
what are thoughts are
and therefore we alone are
our own keeper.''

Monday, May 9, 2011

''Everyone is a unique Human Being therefore I feel if you were to question everything you will become more of your own person and your uniqueness will shine through.''

Saturday, May 7, 2011

''I do not want to be led by others .... I would sooner stand on my own two feet than my head and see the world upside down.''

Friday, May 6, 2011

''You are where you are
because of your thoughts
and you are going to where you will be
because of your thoughts 
and when you are there .. 
it's because of your thoughts.''

Thursday, May 5, 2011

''To live my life as an Artist
I have to drop any fear in all aspects of my life
and trust in my creativity,
in that way
I am getting through life
on a
self discovery trip.''

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

''I can tell you something about creativity ...
you stumble your way through and when you fall
from that 'high' it's like grieving
but you have to get back
otherwise you might as well lie down and die.''

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

''Love is that other four letter word
that is said so often without thought
but it's that feeling in yourself
that makes it an emotion
that can give the sense of being 'real'.''

Monday, May 2, 2011

''There is no quick way 
for life is a journey of self discovery,
but then if you are 'lucky' enough to find purpose,
the chances are you will die
and not having enough time for your 'purpose' ..
'what is my reason for being'.''