Wednesday, April 7, 2010

'' Why is it that for generation after generation the same mistakes are passed down , are we that naive that we cannot call a stop , or is it the fear of change that keeps us rooted in ignorance ''.

'' It can start in the Mind as a thought that just flashed in and it can stay there and in time fade away never to return , but nothing like a good idea comes into reality without that spark of enthusiasm ''.

I speak for myself ;
'' In the making of art the two most difficult moments are .......... the Beginning and the End , but what happens in between can be pure joy as I know it ''.

'' Difficult times can be a ' wake up call ' , it's Destiny's way in showing you another path ''.

'' Parents can be foolish at times to think that their children can be like colouring books ...... fill in with-in the outline in nice colours and they have the child they wish for ....... this is in the never-never land of wishfull thinking and all things are made of spice ''.

'' I like to look at Death as a transformation ....... now you see me , now you don't ''.

'' All Art can influence people in some way or other to take a look at life outside The Box ''.