Friday, October 29, 2010

Just a thought ; ....
'' Human conflicts of any kind and natural disasters are part of our world which will never change and they will always be with us but we can and have survived so long as we remember that the collective Ego does not get in the way and that we have not lost the use of reason as Human Beings otherwise we are on the road to self destruct in more ways than one. So for those in power I am hoping the collective Ego is not 100% in the game-play ... or is this to much to hope for, and just to answer that .. yes, I feel it is to much to ask for, but if we bring ourselves into balance with nature and with our fellow Human Beings we have more than a good chance in putting things to right I would think, but this is only a thought and may never get into practice knowing human nature because the Ego, 'collective' or 'self' will always find a way to step into control. The collective Ego played it's part in helping Human Beings to evolve and survive but it also plays it part in destroying us. Being in the 'awareness' is better than being in the dark and with this thought our actions will in time become intentional.''