Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Think about this ;
                          ''Like what the internal combustion engine did for the horse-drawn carriage ... well then ... picture this ....
Computers using their vast intellectual capacity to think on their own, to 'problem solve' for humans in ways we cannot apprehend today, {but we have a 'good' idea as to how it all develops in the future}, there is no doubt in my mind that this will dictate how future generations will evolve as Human Beings. Humanity as we know it and computers as we have designed them are 'hand in hand' and never to be separated ...... till death do us apart ...... and it all may very will. We are creating our own extinction in more ways than we realise and must built-in safety measures for those who will have to live with our 'doings'. It's all very well problem solving for today but it also has to be problem solved for the future ..... 
It's 'good' to learn from past mistakes and 'good' to look towards the future but we also must look 'inside' ourselves.''