Sunday, December 30, 2012

''In a truly moral society racism would just be a 
very bad word.''

Saturday, December 29, 2012

'Bands-of-friends' are like a roaming pack of dogs, 
when one barks they all bark even if some don't know 
why they are barking.''

Friday, December 28, 2012

''Peace between countries is maintained by the threat of
retaliation by violence or economic collapse.''

Thursday, December 27, 2012

''The worst thing that can happen to an artist is to believe
that their work is good ...
                                        if you do, creativity will stop.''

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

''You need more than talent to be an artist ...
you also need the balls of a giraffe, 
so nobody can kick you.''

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

''I cannot wash my back because of the thirteen monkeys on it.''

Monday, December 24, 2012

''As I get older I find that waking up each day is wiping 
the smile off my face.''

Friday, December 21, 2012

''I have no quote today because my mind is .... 
[ finish it ].''

Thursday, December 20, 2012

''It is not your place to 'pray' to a god for someone else, 
do you think you know what's best for them ...''

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

''There is no such experience as 'inner peace' 
unless you are drugged to the eyeballs, in a coma 
or six feet under.''

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

''Remember, because some of us are living 
in a free world it's because others 
died for it ... 
people care, governments don't.''

Saturday, December 15, 2012

''This time of the year, December, through out my whole life including when I was a child has always been an embarrassment for me because it is taken for granted by the fact of the colour of my skin where I was born and my culture by all who see or meet me that I also believe in the story of a male child born to a virgin in what has always through out history being the most troubled part 
of the world, came here to earth to save mankind from himself and that, somehow along the way a fat guy dressed in red with a white beard winning over innocent children to sit on his knee by giving out gifts, of-course with smiling parents approval .. suspicious .. 
and that can fly across the sky with reindeers pulling a sledge 
with more gifts for children all over the world asleep in their beds,   {also suspicious} in this one magic night .. and three 'wise guys' on camels somewhere in a desert and also bearing gifts to witness this wonderful event in the history of mankind that will live on and be retold to generation after generation, but only for those who believe in the 'baby-born-of-a-virgin' story and the guy with the beard how 
he got mixed up in all of this  .. it beats me ... 
but the majority of people and some highly intelligent for the 
other eleven months of the year are quite happy to accept this handed-down story with added-on 'thrills' as being true, especially those in business, which reminds me of another handed-down story, the 'Clenching of the Temple' ..''

Friday, December 14, 2012

''I ask myself ... 'where have I gone wrong' ... 
but the voice in my head tells me ... 
'you haven't .. this is your journey'.''

Thursday, December 13, 2012

''Anxiety is your little friend that digs away at your mind.''

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

''You have the ability to choose your morals, 
your faith, but to hate your fellow man and kill 
for a love of a god seems total madness.''

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

''I do not make sculpture out of  'good feelings' 
because my art has no importance to any body else 
but me,  so if I don't create there is nothing else for me 
to feel 'good' in a world that is full of insincerity ...
but tell me if I am wrong ... 
every 'true' artist is at war with himself and the world.''

Monday, December 10, 2012

''The truth will always hurt but better to hear than lies that can kill.''

Sunday, December 9, 2012

''Since the beginning of time man has always felt stronger 
physically and sociologically in groups or little 
'bands-of-friends' that no longer think for themselves or 
have their independence but rather think as the group, 
this is human survival and what has helped mankind to 
survive as hunters and gathers which we still do today 
and most adapted in different ways to suit our times.  
The one who can be on his own and not part of the group is 
a treat and will never be accepted unless he conforms to the majority in thinking and support of the group, whether right or wrong. 'Bands-of-friends' are like a roaming pack of dogs, 
when one barks they all bark even if some don't 
know why they are barking.'' 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

''The one thing that is guaranteed in life is death and all your life will be forgotten when you are dead ..   just like some people who are forgotten when they are alive.'' 

Friday, December 7, 2012

''Religion can be compared to someone 
who is blind from birth that goes through life 
bumping into everything and telling everyone, 
including skeptics, they can 'see'.'' 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

''Good minded people generally will always think 
and feel it's their fault when there is trouble, 
 on the other hand, 
bad minded people will deny and will never take 
the blame for anything.''

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

''Keep people close to you in your life 
who bring out the best in you 
and get rid of the hangers-on.''

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

'' We live in crazy times that creativity for me is the 
best way to escape into my own self-discovery but, 
without my art, chaos and confusion is a cocktail 
for the mind to go off  the rails at any time, 
therefore art and emotion, when harmonizes, 
can give me an awareness of my 'aesthetic-emotion' ... 
to cut the bullshit .. it's called ... 
'living on the edge'.''  

Monday, December 3, 2012


Sunday, December 2, 2012

''Remember ... by not getting what you want is 
sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck ... 
but you will never know.''

Saturday, December 1, 2012

''You can play it safe, continue as you have being doing, 

all your life ... and call it surviving .... 

but is that enough.''